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 薔薇 的日記本
You Needed Me 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 That's Why You
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: Fool On The Hil
作者: 薔薇 日期: 2014.07.25  天氣:  心情:

Day after day alone on the hill 日復一日,獨自在山丘上
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still 咧嘴傻笑的男子一直都是那樣
But nobody wants to know him 但沒人想去認識他
They can see that he s just a fool 人們看得出來,他只是個傻子
And he never gives an answer 他從來都不回答
But the fool on the hill 但山丘上的傻瓜
Sees the sun going down 看著太陽落下
And the eyes in his head 他的眼睛
See the world spinning around 看著世界在旋轉

Well on the way, head in a cloud 就這樣,腦袋在雲霧中

The man of a thousand voices talking perfectly loud 這個人大聲地講著一千種不同的東西
But nobody ever hears him 但沒有人想要聽
or the sound he appears to make 或是去了解他發出的任何聲音
And he never seems to notice 他似乎也不在意
But the fool on the hill 但山丘上的傻瓜
Sees the sun going down 看著太陽落下
And the eyes in his head 他的眼睛
See the world spinning around 看著世界在旋轉

And nobody seems to like him 似乎沒有人喜歡他
They can tell what he wants to do 人們都看的出來他想做什麼
And he never shows his feelings 他也從未表露情感
But the fool on the hill 但山丘上的傻瓜


Fool On The Hill & Nature Boy - Inger Marie Gundersen
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You Needed Me 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 That's Why You