上個週末跟一些朋友一起去賞秋景健行. 走在 McGee Creek 的 hiking trail 上時碰到一對年老的白人夫妻在旁邊一起中途休息就聊了起來.
開始先聊天氣跟所看到的美景, 聊著聊著老先生就問我們 "How old do you think we are?" 我們都說 late 60s or early 70s (說實話, 因為他們看起來精神都很好). 老先生聽完哈哈大笑說 "I am 87, and she is 86." (Wow....)
我們在驚訝之餘當然趕緊問 "What's your secret to stay young and happy?"
老先生先回答說: Both of our spouses passed away over 10 years ago. We met each other after that and got married. We have been happy for the last 10 years.
老太太馬上緊接著說: I guess the secret is to find someone and fall in love when you are 70s......