今天星期五.下雨天.深夜下雨直現在雨有點停.前天急忙灑下種子總是對的.在過幾天去看看那些種子發牙了沒.下這場雨我趕緊把蘭花移至屋內.深怕他凍死.照顧花草就的用心.天氣變冷.大女兒在外白天打工.晚上唸書騎著機車上課.一定很冷.兩各小的在我身邊.我不擔心.只是擔心老大.Field hide king bodhisattva blessing .上天保佑苦命家的孩子.都能平安.幾天前路上遇到他
Finds nice guy. I will get married.
He says I get married. He what shall we do?
I say
You nearby have woman
He says Ba your property all to me
I say want money oneself earn
I still have times in several
There is good people to I good
I can sum he walk